Monday, May 21, 2012

Almost Summer

We had some beautiful sunshine-y days this last week.  We drank in every moment.  Not many words this post, just pics to remember.

Hope you're enjoying your week!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Welcomed this morning with these precious cards from the children...

  I can never get tired of their homemade cards.  I love the way I see each of their personalities and uniqueness in each one of them.  I always feel a little disappointed when I hear of them planning on buying some from the store...and I try and drop hints that the homemade ones are so much more special to me.  I see their heart in them.  I keep every one of them.  I have a loaded drawer full.  I thought of showing the inside of some of these, because they were all so sweet, and some of them hilarious, too!  Such as showing what a typical day in our home looks like.  They gave me a good laugh.

We had some homemade strawberry pie, too.  It was incredible.  And easy.  I always like that combination! 

After church we drove to a nearby Italian restaurant for some good Italian food, one of my favorites.  It was a bit hectic as our two year old decided he really didn't want to be there.  When we got home I had my husband quickly take a picture of me with the kids before little Gabe, who was already cranky, had a total meltdown. 

 They've stretched me and helped shape me into who I am today.

I could write so much on what being a mother means to me, but will save that for another post.  My mother has been in heaven for several years now, so it's always a very bittersweet day for me.  I miss her so much.  There's so many times I wish I could pick up the phone and ask her advice on so many things.  It breaks my heart that she's not here to watch the children grow, and that there's two that she's never even met.  I so look forward to a glorious reunion...and first-time meeting of her with her grandchildren in heaven! What a day that will be.

So blessed to be the mother of these children.

I so love each one of them and their unique personalities that they bring into this home.

How they've caused me to grow.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Trip to the Mountains...and Chopped

We had a wonderful afternoon in the mountains yesterday...

It seems like most often the spur-of-the-moment ideas are the best for our family outings.  The weather was wonderful with a bit of a cool breeze, so it was perfect weather for a hike.

We found wild strawberries growing along the path

Little punkin always trailing behind...but wanting to walk on his own

His big brother adores him

At the General Store halfway through the hike

I love taking pictures of this watermill!  It's so beautiful in person.  I almost like the pictures of it in B/W just as much

We're in the process of looking for a church right now.  A bit frustrating, but exciting at the same time.  I'm excited about what the Lord has for us in the future.  Our family is really hungry for Christian fellowship and in need of plugging into a Christian community.  We have several close friends, but don't get to see them nearly as much as we would like to.  We know regular weekly fellowship is so important.  But for now, a different church each Sunday is getting a bit old...can't wait to be a part of one, and not be the "visiting family" every Sunday.

On another note, as I was sitting alone the other night, I was thinking back over the day/weeks/months,and reflecting on our life...specifically our children that are growing sooo quickly!  Every now and then I'll sit down with the girls and we enjoy watching "Chopped" together.  As I was reflecting, I realized how I feel that so much of my life as a mother feels like I'm in a "Chopped" competition.  Not in the sense that I feel like I'm competing with others, but more in the sense that I feel our time is so short to get things "right".  As I'm seeing personal struggles in each of the children, there is so much that I'm wanting to pour into them and so much discipleship...mentoring...encouragement etc. etc. Like in "Chopped" I can just feel the clock ticking.   At some point the judge is going to call "time is up", and I'm going to have to step away from the table with my hands lifted up and pray that I did my job well. 

Then, this morning, driving early in the morning, I heard again that gentle voice saying..."You don't have to stress over getting it all done...just point them to Me".

Train them to come to Me.

  I love it when God comes and crashes in on my stressful thoughts and gives me His truth.  It's always freeing.  Liberating.  An easy yoke.  A light burden.  A good reminder that when things begin to feel way too difficult...well, there's a good chance I'm taking things back into my own hands again, where God never intended them to be. 

We are called to proclaim Jesus Christ.  The fact that He saves from sin and makes us holy is part of the effect of the wonderful abandonment of God. (Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest)