Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter Celebration

We had a wonderful Easter/Resurrection Day!  I hope you did, too. 

The weather was just beautiful...sunny

 and a little bit cool.

I had hoped to get a picture of everyone dressed and looking so handsome and pretty for church...but, I've learned, when you wait too long, and little ones begin to have "meltdowns" as we call it, it's more stressful trying to force a picture.

Later on in the day, I got a few of these while the kids were having a good time having our annual Easter egg hunt.  I don't think it matters how old they get...they never outgrow it.  We like to put not only treats in the eggs, but add a little note in some of them, such as "movie night with movie of your choice"...or "hop on right leg three times and run around house five times!" 

Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.”

In a few weeks, our yard will look like this...
(pictures taken last year)

God's creation never ceases to amaze me!

Always a symbol of hope and new birth.  Always an opportunity to share with the children what an awesome God we serve.  I can't wait to dig in and work on some very untended gardens...Welcome, Spring!


  1. Great pictures! Always love hearing about your family, we miss you guys so much!

    1. Good to hear from you, ReAnne! We miss you all too...would love to see you soon.

  2. Hi Carla!
    I just found your blog, when I was looking through Noelle's! I didn't know you did this!! These pictures remind me of Dad's flower pictures! He would have loved your photography skills, and Doug & Doug Jr's woodworking!! I love you! Talk to you soon.

    1. Hi Carol!!
      I'm very sporadic with my blog, but trying to be a little more consistent, since it's such a great way to journal family memories. Believe me, I have thought of Dad soooo much, when I photograph and with Doug's enjoying woodworking. He's using many of Dad's old tools and machinery. What a blessing! Love you!

  3. Your pictures of your children are absolutely gorgeous!!! What wonderful memories!


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