Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's a quiet morning here...

My husband has taken the five oldest children to the dentist this morning, and little Gabriel is still in bed (he loves sleeping in...yay!).

It's been a steady rain all morning, which I normally enjoy.  However, we have five children of some dear friends coming over in just an hour, so now we're needing to switch gears and plan for some indoor activities for the day!

A Special Evening...

This is a bit of a random post, but I wanted to add a few pics for memories' sake of some special moments.  The three older children and I were so blessed to get to go to a concert back in February by Casting Crowns, Royal Taylor, Matthew West, and Lindsay McCaul.  The really special part of it all was that Lindsay McCaul (pictured w/us, below) has been a dear friend of ours for many years.  She  was a close friend of our oldest daughter growing up, so it's so exciting to see the Lord using her talents for Him.  If you get a chance, I highly recommend her latest disc, "If It Leads Me Back".
Getting to visit with Lindsay
The kids with Mark Hall from Casting Crowns

The other day Noelle wanted to try rolling Annabelle's hair... so that it would be nice and curly for the following morning.  She got the idea from the internet to use socks.  I was skeptical of how well it would turn out, but as you can see, they looked lovely the following morning. 

Just like sponge curlers, the curls stayed in for a couple of days.

All of our children have gone through this stage of being very silly for pictures!

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